Business Administration

Business Culture and Communication

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the fundamental concepts of communication and the importance of understanding business culture, and to provide them with both theoretical and practical knowledge in order to create awareness based on communication and business cultural activities.

Corporate Governance

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the key principles of corporate governance, and to provide them with both theoretical and practical knowledge in order to create awareness based on corporate governance standards, best practices and case studies.

Entreneurship and Innovation

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the basic concepts of entrepreneurship and innovation, and to provide them with both theoretical and practical knowledge in order to engage in creative solutions based entrepreneurial activities.


Principles of Economics

This course provides basic knowledge of micro and macroeconomics. The overall purpose of this course is to introduce the student to the concept of a market economy and to investigate how scarce resources are allocated under a price mechanism. Microeconomics topics such as market economies, demand, supply, consumer theory, the theory of the firm, perfect competition; and basic topics in macroeconomics such as national income, employment, unemployment, inflation and economic growth are analyzed.

Mathematical Economics

The main aim of this course is to teach the basic tools of mathematical approaches used in economic analysis. Another aim is to relate the economic problems with these tools.  The course will focus on the following topics: static analysis, matrix algebra and linear models, comparative static models, optimization.

Research Methods in Economics

The aim of this course is to explain scientific methods and research techniques in the analysis of economic facts and problems. This course will focus on importance of research, types of research, stages of the research process, research design, and collection of data.

Management Information Systems

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation course will focus on digital transformation and what is currently referred to as the “third platform” technologies (social, mobile, data analytics and cloud) as they relate to competing and excelling in any business. IS and IT solutions are drivers of strategic value for both cost savings and new production innovations and as such, students will have the opportunity to create a detailed Technology Plan as part of the course.

Knowledge and Technologies Management

The aim of this course is to plan, manage, control and coordinate the development and implementation of technological capabilities that will enable companies to shape and implement their strategic and operational objectives. Today, technological changes bring new challenges and opportunities to us in terms of new products, services, processes, corporate development and industrial diversity. It is necessary to capture these opportunities and turn them into value through an effective and dynamic Technology Management. This course introduces the basic concepts of how managers and engineers use and manage technology. Innovation strategies in the world going to be discussed on this course. Therefore, it will be created awareness and thought ability for course participants.

Human Computer Interaction

It combines the topics in the psychology and computer sciences, which interest with human computer interaction. These are combined with the practical design. This course provides theoretical basics and practical human computer interaction experience.

Enterprise Information Systems I

To introduce the software systems used in corporate enterprises, to teach and to gain the ability to use in business processes

Information Systems Project Management

The objective of this course is to provide students with the requirements for the fields such as marketing, finance, human resources, accounting, supply chain management analysis, digitalization strategies, intellectual property rights and project writing processes to design business ideas and to make preliminary evaluations of entrepreneurs in informatics.















EU Company Law

This course provides students with an integrated understanding of the body of legal rules that regulate companies in the EU. The European acquis is presented on the bases of directives and regulations currently in force as well as the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. The course covers mainly the following topics: corporate forms of enterprise, corporate mobility, protection of third parties at incorporation and for representation purposes, capital and capital maintenance rules, corporate restructurings, governance models, shareholder's rights

Corporate Law

This course examines Turkish corporate law with a brief overview of German and Swiss corporate law systems. The course covers manly the following topics: Historical background and regulation of corporations under Turkish Commercial Code, the incorporation process and its consequences, the organs of the corporations, the duties and liabilities of directors and other officers of a corporation; shareholders’ rights and remedies, dissolution and liquidation.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Legal disputes are increasingly settled by dispute resolution processes other than litigation. Considering this trend, it is important for students to be acquainted with with these alternative processes, such as mediation and arbitration, and the benefits and risks they create. At the same time, these alternative processes necessitate original and interdisciplinary problem-solving perspectives and skills. This course gives an overview of alternative problem-solving approaches.


In diesem Kurs, wird das Handelsrecht als Sonderrecht des Unternehmens nach türkischem HGB behandelt. Im Mittelpunkt der Erörterung stehen der Unternehmensbegriff, der Kaufmannsbegriff, das Handelsgeschäft, die Firma, das Handelsregister, sowie die selbstständigen und unselbstständigen Hilfspersonen des Kaufmanns wie beispielsweise der Handelsvertreter und der Prokurist. Ebenso werden die allgemeinen Regelungen für Handelsgeschäfte mit Abweichungen von den Vorschriften des bürgerlichen Rechts besprochen.


In diesem Kurs werden die Gesellschaft des bürgerlichen Rechts, die Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung und die Aktiengesellschaft behandelt. Das türkische Gesellschaftsrecht weist große Ähnlichkeiten mit den auch in Deutschland und in der Schweiz bekannten Gesellschaftstypen auf. Zum Teil aber gibt es erhebliche Unterschiede. Diese Unterschiede zeigen sich dann erst bei genauerer Betrachtung der gesetzlichen Details. In Mittelpunkt des Kurses stehen die Entstehung, Funktionswiese und Beendigung der Gesellschaft, die Unterscheidung zwischen Innen- und Außenverhältnis sowie die Regelungen der Geschäftsführung, Vertretung und Haftung

Umstrukturierungsrecht (Fusion, Spaltung, Umwandlung)

Dieser Kurs soll die Studierenden mit den Regeln des Umstrukturierungsrecht vertraut machen.Es werden die verschiedenen Umstrukturierungsformen nämlich; Fusion, Spaltung, Umwandlung und Vermögensübertragung dargestellt und deren Vor‑ und Nachteile erarbeitet. Die Studierenden sollen beurteilen können, auf welche Weise Umstrukturierungen vorgenommen werden können und welches die damit verbundenen Risiken sind.


Industrial Engineering

Supply Chain and Logistics Management

This course has been designed to give a solid base in supply chain management and provide students with a working knowledge of fundamental supply chain management concepts, tools, methods and their application in the industry.

Decision Theory

The aim of this course is to help and guide the students in understanding and appreciating the importance and scope of decision-making activities. Also the aim is to provide students with an understanding of the fundamental concepts, approaches and techniques of decision-making.

Engineering Economics

This course aims to introduce the fundamental concepts of economic analysis for engineering and managerial decision making, to explain how these will affect the functioning of an engineering company and contribute to decision making in engineering operations

Operations and Project Management

This course aims at developing a solid understanding of the strategic importance of operations and how operations can provide a competitive advantage in the marketplace; understanding the relationships between the operations and other business functions; and developing an insight of designing and managing operations and project management, and the related techniques.

Computer Engineering

Computer Programming I

The aim of the course is to comprehend the basic logic of computer programming, gain the ability of problem solving and algorithm developing using a programming language.

Introduction to Computer Engineering

The aim of this course to give basic knowledge about computer hardware, computer architecture, computer arithmetic, programming concepts, operating system and computer networks

Machine Learning

The aim of this course is to provide students with the theoretical basis of machine learning algorithms and practical application of them on real-world data sets

Biomedical Engineering

Material Science and Technology

For engineering students, the course program provides necessary knowledge and skills in materials science and recent technologies. The course introduces students to the theory, fundamental principles of materials, preparation of bulk and nanoscale thin film samples and their analysis techniques.


The course introduces to structure and the function of biological systems by means of mechanics principles. The students will understand how the law of physics of body systems and learn how to solve biomechanics problems.

Radiation Physics

The course introduces students to isotope, radioisotope, radioactivity, half-life, the physics of ionizing radiation, absorbed dose, effective dose, radiation dosimetry, imaging equipment, radiation therapy equipment and radiation detector with clinical application equipment demonstration

Semiconductors and Modelling

The course includes basic semiconductor materials knowledge and concepts, physics of conduction mechanisms and basics, pn junction diodes, bipolar transistors, field effect transistors, biasing, small-signal models, methods of semiconductor characterization, computer-aided semiconductor device modeling, preparation techniques of semiconductor devices and semiconductor-based detectors.


This course introduces students to common use metals, glass, ceramics, glass-ceramics, polymers and their physical and chemical properties of biomaterials, categorization of biomaterials, the interaction between biomaterials and tissue.

Signals and Systems

This course consists of an introduction to analog and digital signal processing. The course provides students to an understanding of the concepts of continuous time, discrete time signal and systems, time and frequency domains, Fourier transform, filtering, modulation, sampling analog, and digital systems.

Biomedical Instrumentation

The origin of physiological signals and design of medical instrumentation electronics are studied in this course. At the end of this course, the students will realize the measurement principles of medical instrumentation, medical sensors, and devices, biopotential amplifiers, bio-signals (ECG, EEG), blood pressure and flow, cardiac variables, measurement of respiratory.

Introduction to Biosensors

This course introduces students to the concept of physics of biomolecule detection. The theories and designs of biosensors for public health, pathology food safety, civil defense, and etc., will be studied. Also, the techniques of mechanical, electrical, electrochemical and optical sensing will also be discussed.

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Circuit Theory I

The aim of this course is to teach the operation principles of operational amplifiers, inductors and capacitors, first-order circuits and transient response of series and parallel circuits. This course includes topics such as operational amplifiers, inductance, capacitance, common inductance, natural and step responses of RL, RC and RLC circuits.

Circuit Theory II

The aim of this course is to teach sinusoidal continuous state analysis and phasor concept, to make power calculations, to learn transformers and balanced three phase circuits. This course includes sinusoidal continuous state analysis, sinusoidal steady state power calculations and balanced three-phase circuits. Students attended this course must have basic knowledge of mathematics and topics covered in Circuit Theory I course

Electromagnetic Field Theory

The aim of this course is to understand the behavior of electric and magnetic fields due to timeindependent charges and currents. This course includes vector analysis, static electric field, solution of electrostatic problems, static electric field and static magnetic field.

Electromagnetic Waves

The aim of this course is to understand the electromagnetic waves theory caused by time-varying charges and currents, and the behavior of the waves in this environment. This course covers Maxwell's equations, time-varying fields and electromagnetic waves, the poynting vector and waves at the boundary between the two environments. Students attended this course must have basic knowledge of electromagnetic theory.

Antennas and Propagation

The aim of this course is to teach the basic electromagnetic radiation and propagation mechanisms, to understand the working principles of antennas, to teach the different antenna types and their parameters and to provide the ability to design a suitable antenna. This course includes antenna theory and basic properties of antennas, power density, radiation density, directivity, gain, polarization, antenna impedance, effective aperture, antenna temperature and noise, Friis transmission formula, radiation integrals and wave equation, basic antenna types, dipole, horn, microstrip and aperture antennas, antenna arrays and antenna measurement principles.

Fundamental Sciences


The aim of this course is to teach clusters, inequalities and functions, such as the basic concepts of mathematics, the functions of univariate, limit, continuity and derivative concepts and applications. Learning the definition of indefinite integral, remembering the rules of indefinite integration, properties of specific integral, related theorems and applications of specific integral to learn. In addition, the calculation of generalized integrals and derivatives of multivariable functions.

Linear Algebra

Students can adapt to solution of linear systems of equations, representation with matrices, solutions of linear systems with rank, matrix and determinants, vectors, scalar product-vector product, eigenvalues and eigenvectors and linear transformation methods and adaptation to the behavior of linear systems

Differential Equations

The aim of this course is to teach the ordinary differential equations (ADD) and their solution methods. Since differential equations express the relationships between varying differentials, subjects covered in the course can be applied to all areas of engineering. In addition, to introduce students to the basic concepts of analysis and to bring these concepts to the level of use, to give students analytical thinking, discussion and evaluation.

Probability and Statistics

The aim of this course is to teach the concepts of probability and statistics and their mathematical principles. Thus, at the end of this course, students are expected to have the knowledge to plan and evaluate their experimental studies.

Introduction to Statistics

At the completion of this course, students will be able to: Learn use of statistic in health services, measures of central tendency, calculating confidence interval, making tables and figures, types of distribution, how to use parametric and non-parametric tests, besides of these they learn how to perform SPSS statistical program in correlation, regression, logistic regression, variance analysis, factor and cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, time series analysis, structral equation modelling.

General Chemistry

The aim of this course is to provide a good basis for the chemical knowledge that enables us to conduct qualitative and quantitative research in natural sciences. To demonstrate how observation and results can be applied to the scientific method and how observation and experimentation leads us to the development of scientific theories.


The main objective of this course is to be able to write equations of motion for simple mechanical systems, and to integrate these equations, in cases where direct integration is not feasible, students are expected to make predictions based on conservation laws, to apply Newton’s laws and conservation laws to dynamical systems, to reveal the relationship between mathematics, physics and engineering sciences and to apply the basic principles of physics to engineering fields in the light of the basic principles of mathematics-based electricity and magnetism.







Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation in Intensive Care Unit

The purpose of this course is to learn the physiotherapy and rehabilitation approaches used in intensive care. In this course, pathophysiology and rehabilitation of critical illnesses, respiratory failure, and intensive care after general surgeries will be examined in detail. Evaluation of intensive care patients, general information about life support equipment in clinical monitoring and evaluation, mechanical ventilation will be examined. Physiotherapy and rehabilitation procedures and clinical decision making in those kinds of patients will be studied

Physiotherapy and Rehabilıiation in Lymphedema

The aim of this course is to give information about the mechanism and classification of lymphedema, classification of protective approaches to this problem, treatment approaches, selection of physiotherapy approaches and application principles of these approaches

Spine Health

The aim of this course is appropriate exercise and treatment approaches by knowing the individual and group characteristics of all elements of the spine. In this course, the individual and group functions of all elements of the spine and which dysfunction is defined in a segment of the spine and selecting the appropriate exercise for defined dysfunction will be explained.


Fundamentals of Nursing Internship

Fundamentals of nursing internship contains application for the development of oriented skills in the clinics: adaptation of hospital environment, effectıve communication with patients, family and health care team, recovery of psychomotor nursing skills, preparing the patient care plan using the nursing process

Medical Nursing Internship

Medical nursing internship provides that student with the ability to provide evidence based care in accordance with the holistic view, critical thinking and ethical principles in medical diseases.

Surgical Nursing Internship

Surgical nursing internship contains the implementation of perioperative care needs of patients and their families.

Woman Health and Diseases Nursing Internship

Women health and diseases nursing internship contains structure and function of female and male genitals, pregnancy, natal, postnatal and related health problems, gynecological diseases and cancer, nursing care in the gynecological issues, Infertility, family planning and climacteric period and care.

Child Health and Diseases Nursing Internship

Child health and diseases nusing internship contains health status of children, protection, maintenance and development of child health, growth and development characteristics according to age periods, adequate and balanced nutrition of the child according to age, deviations in health and planning the appropriate nursing care, implementing needed nursing interventions according to age periods, providing appropriate nursing care of hospitalized children.

Public Health Nursing Internship

Public health nusing internship contains to teach the basic knowledge, concepts and principles of public health nursing in accordance with the basic system of the country, and to teach how to apply the professional nursing roles in a process that continues from the development of health to rehabilitation in all areas where people live and work in the family and in every age group.

Psychiatric Nursing Internship

Psychiatric nursing internship contains holistic evaluation of the individual with mental problems, determination of requirements, planning, implementation and evaluation of appropriate care.

Healthcare Management

Health Economics

The objective of the course is to enable students to acquire fundamental knowledge about how to apply basic economic concepts, principles and methods to the health sector and about particular areas related to health economics. In this course, emphasizes subjects related to concept and development of health economics and role of health sector in economics, analysis of health demand and supply, relationship with between economic growth and health care sector, production and financing of health care services, pharmaceutical industry and economics, economic evaluation techniques.

Hospital Management

The objective of the course is to discuss fundamental concepts about hospital management, evaluate strategies to cope with changes and uncertainties, and to question applications such as management of hospital performance. In this course, emphasizes subjects related to functions of hospitals, characteristics of hospitals in terms of organization, the organizational structure of hospitals, committees operating in hospitals, establishment stages and architecture characteristics of hospitals, hospital management regulations and related legal sources

Quality Management in Health Services

The objective of the course is to build awareness of quality and teach the techniques used to improve quality in health services. In this course, emphasizes subjects related to the meaning of quality in healthcare, continuous quality improvement in healthcare, customer perceptions, structure, process and outcome measures, basic quality improvement tools, quality improvement teams, basic quality improvement models, strategic quality management.







Space, Development and Ecological Economics

This course examines the critical scholarship on development and ecological economics in the global South. The course will first introduce basic concepts on ecological economics and then, will more closely look at develeopment projects in the global South by incorporating them. Here, spatial configurations of power relations across the realms of development and economy will be a last focus. As a term project, students will have the opportunity to create an alternative economy design to a development problem, based on the course material.

Gender and the City

Cities are key sites in the production, consumption and reproduction of many things among which are gendered norms and identities. Yet they are also shaped by the gendered embodiment and routines of daily life. This course deals with this relationship between gender and cities at both theoretical and empirical levels while keeping a specific concern on political ecology and utopias.

Socio-Spatial Impact Assessment in Project

Social and gender impact assessment is one of the most fundamental aspect of any investment or project. This course adds space as another core concept into the mix and examines theories and methodologies to conduct socio-spatial impact assessment. We analyze one case each week to make the course more accessible and solid.

Economic Geography

Economic Geography examines key economic concepts, fundamental theoretical perspectives and contribution of these perspectives and concepts in understanding our globalizing world.

Principles of Geomorphology

Introduction to Geomorphology, Interior of the Earth, Theory of isostasy, Wegener’s continental drift theory,plate tectonics, Fluvial processes and landforms, Coastal processes and landforms, Deserts landforms, Glacial processes and landforms, karst processes and landforms.

Hazard Management: Natura

Introduction to natural hazards and disaster, Concepts in hazard management, Meteorological hazards and management, Geological hazards and management, Hydrological hazards and management, Geomorphic hazards and management.

Introduction to Computer programming

Introduction to computer programming, Algorithms, Variables and Expressions, Conditional code, Functions, Loops and iteration, Creating and reading files


Theories of Personality

At the end of this course, students will learn about the nature and process of personality, factors that affect behavior, personality measurement and the development of psychopathology from a Freudian and Neo-Freudian perspective. Students will be able to explain the behavior of the given cases in the framework of these theoretical perspectives

Industrial and Organizational Psychology

This course aims to introduce the field of industrial and organizational (I/O) psychology. In course, students will learn about workplace behaviors (e.g., performance, leadership) and workplace issues (e.g., personnel selection, motivation, training). Upon successful completion of this course, (i) students will comprehend the field of I/O Psychology and distinguish it from other fields in psychology, (ii)understand the methods used in I/O psychology research, (iii) critically interpret I/O research findings, (iv) understand the major purpose of the field of I/O psychology that is  to enhance workers’ well-being, conditions of employment, as well as improve organizational performance, understand the role of factors (i.e., individual differences, attitudes, organizational factors) influencing human work behavior and (iv) apply knowledge of I/O psychology to the work settings. 
Positive Psychology This course is designed to provide students with a broad background in positive psychology and in-depth knowledge of specific topics. In this course, self- and context- related differences will also discussed in the topics covered.

Movies and Psychology

This course will enable students to integrate psychology knowledge and movies. Some movies will be determined in the scope of this course. The main characters, the scenario, the contribution of psychology to the movie will be discussed


Environmental Sociology

This introduction course aims to discuss society-environment interaction. First half includes history of environmentalism, modern environmentalism, the birth of environmental sociology and modern-postmodern developments in environmental social theory. In the second half, the course seeks to understand environmental problems transformed into ecological crisis in the last century. Global problems like climate change threatens societies, hence the course investigates the environmental effects on poverty, migration and social conflicts within the framework of social theory and methodology

Sociology of Education

This course aims to analyze education from a sociological perspective. In this course, the relationship between culture, education and social stratification will be assessed in the light of various theories of sociology. Functionalist sociological perspective on education will be analyzed and criticized using the theoretical contributions of Critical Thinkers. Conflict Theory, Coleman's Theory and Symbolic Interactionist Perspectives will be used in assessing education as a source of social differentiation. These theoretical contributions will be used in examining real life educational structures and settings.

Health and Society

The purpose of this course is to open a discussion on health as a social institution, on concepts of health and disease, historical process and the dynamics of change in the field of health. The shift from modern to a postmodern health paradigm will be assessed in relation to how each paradigm creates a social construct of health. Various health models will be analyzed to understand how notions of health and accordingly medical institutions and structures are changing throughout the world.

Globalization and Cultural Change

This course offers students an opportunity to explore and understand the global nature of contemporary social, economic, cultural and political change. The first part will introduce students to globalization theories and trends as well as to its processes and institutional structures. The second part will focus on cultural change, revolving around the discussions of homogenization, hybridization and heterogeneity theories. This course aims at opening a dialogue on how global culture is affecting the local and how the local is affecting the global. Cultural products such as music, cuisine, cinema, tv adaptations, leisure activities will be analyzed in developing an understanding of how globalization is affective in cultural change.



Introduction to Advanced Business English I/II

This class aims to help develop a notion of the use of English in the global business world through the instruction and practice of related advanced vocabulary and structures. This course is designed as a preliminary two-semester course to lead to Advanced Business English. This course will help develop communication strategies in general business situations, including presentations, job talks, various forms of interviews, marketing meetings, and all sorts of business related interactions in written and spoken forms.

Academic Survival Skills I/II

This two-semester class is designed to advance tertiary level students with intermediate proficiency to enhance their academic writing, reading, and speaking skills. Through the exploitation of reading materials from a variety of academic content, such as Humanities, Social Sciences, and Business Administration, this course aims to help develop a better understanding of spoken and written communication, as well as presentation skills in higher education.

Introduction to Comparative Cultural Studies

This two-semester course aims to enable students to comprehend and critically analyze cultural terms and concepts. The course also includes thought-provoking examples from a variety of fine arts, such as photography, cinema, and drama not only from American and European traditions and perspectives, but also from our very own geography, Turkey.

Language, Film, and Culture

This course offers students introductory exposure to foreign languages and cultures through contemporary films in the target language, as well as linguistic and cultural materials. Through lecture, reading assignments, and the viewing of documentary or full-length feature films, students will be introduced to a variety of languages and the corresponding social and cultural contexts in which they are used and continue to thrive.

Utopia Tradition in World Literature

This course aims to scrutinize idea of utopia and Utopianism beginning from Plato to contemporary examples not only from European but also from Asian and Turkish literature. This class also entails the comparative discussion of related materials from a deconstructive perspective of the tradition of Utopianism.